Just another blog with nothing really to say except to express myself to no-one in particular with no particular reason other than other people are doing it. If you are reading this, you may have to tollerate posts with good recipes, great guitar, and video game references all at once. I hope that you are not too put off.
I'm a little worried I don't have enough forward movement in my life.
Also that I might not be doing everything I can to get out and
I finished Fallout 3 last night, it has been a wonderful experience,
that I enjoyed fully from beginning to end, and I intend to play
through it again, perhaps a little smarter this time.
Looks like Chris fell through and decided not to hang out with me last
night. Oh well, c'est la vie.
I need to read. I need to make my game. I need to draw. I need to
express myself. I am feeling a bit high strung as of late. Maybe my
trip to San Antonio will help me relax.
I got tired earlier than usual, and I went home at 11, instead of at
12 or 1. Maybe I'm getting older. Who knows? I think not, since after
I got home, I was still up till 2 reading and enjoying myself, but it
was while lying down and relaxing with Peppers Amadeus Bond, who did
not seem at all interested in sitting still or relaxing, as he tore up
and terrorized my bedroom.
I had been planning for Sunday all week, though I forgot to do some of
my plans. I forgot that I had planned to have an early dinner with my
father at 5 pm, and I slept all morning and afternoon through it.
After that I went to pick up Zac and his girlfriend Lucy. They were in
town playing orchestra concerts at schools around the houston area. I
wish I weren't working during all of their concert times. C'est la
We ate italian, joined by Matt, Justin, and his wife Cymeron. Was an
enjoyable dinner. Afterward, I took Zac and Lucy to my home and let
her try my home-made wines and ales, and let them both browse my
library of books, and let Zac borrow Invisible Monsters, by Chuck
Then, on monday, I had to go into work an hour early. The early
mornings are not very good for me. I got to work and did the weekend
samples, and then I watched Baby Mama, and Get Smart during work. Both
of these movies were superbly amusing, and I laughed quite a bit,
though I expected both to be sub-par. In the evening I took Zac and
Lucy to a music store which opened just for us and then to our little
tea shop in downtown houston. How I enjoyed the wonderful teas on this
trip, it was quite satisfying and relaxing as always. It is sad that I
cannot visit there more often.
I fell asleep early, though, when I got home, with my contacts in,
leading to an unpleasant awakening and realization that I had not set
my alarm clock. It's life, it happens. We'll see how today goes.
<img src="http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/7724/110308073128vd6.jpg"
alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/><br/>Shot with <a target="_new"
S5K5AAFA 1.3 MP</a> at 2008-11-03
5 parties this weekend. I was so worn out that I didn't do anything
else on saturday or sunday. On Friday, I had a really solid Halloween
hanging out with Tim, Jamie, and Russell. Home-made chili for the win.
We also played rock band, watched scary movies, and played a board
game. Arkham Horror. It's a very rich, imaginative, and complex game,
one of my all time favorites.
HOpe everyone else had a happy halloween.